
Thursday, June 02, 2011

A Tale Of Two Churches

Out in Illinois, the Catholic Charities of Rockford has announced that they will put an immediate halt to its state-funded foster care program and adoption services on the very day that the new civil unions law takes effect in the state.

Yes, they will no longer be helping children be adopted or placed in foster care, because, god forbid, those children might go to a gay couple. See, the Catholic Church, home to child rapists and their protectors, wants to punish children now, rather than protect them.

Catholic Charities say they are leaving the foster care and adoption business to avoid liability if state law requires them to place children with parents in civil unions--either gay or straight--though we all know too well that they mean just the gay parents. Catholic Charities has no problem with fostering children to straight couples, even straight single people, but they don't want children raised by gay people, or couples, so they'll just stop the programs entirely.

This moronic, bigoted, homophobic, anti-children decision will displace about 350 children and put nearly sixty people out of work.

How effing-christ-like.

Meanwhile, up in St. Cloud Minnesota, the debate over marriage equality is dividing members of the clergy within the United Methodist Church.

At their annual conference in St. Cloud, some 40 Minnesota United Methodist clergy signed a statement saying they would marry any couple who came to them, including same-sex couples.

Reverend Bruce Robbins, of the Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church in Minneapolis, initially said he hoped about a dozen or so of his colleagues might sign the statement, by the number has grown to 40. 

Now, to be fair, Methodist church discipline forbids same-sex marriage, so members of the clergy who perform them could lose their conference membership, or clergy credentials.

But they are making a statement. And so is the Catholic Charities of Rockford. One is following the tent that god is love, the other is saying children should suffer.

40 United Methodist Clergy Pledge To Marry Gay Couples
Catholic Charities Ends Foster Care, Adoption Services To Avoid Serving Same-Sex Parents


  1. I grew up going to the Methodist Church and didn't have negative stuff to get over like some people did with the churches they went to. I'm proud of them in many ways. They have a set-up to help people during disasters (floods, tornadoes, etc) and are usually there first quietly giving aid without publicity and fanfare. I was brought up in that church that what matters is how one lives, not what is said. They aren't that big on missionaries, either. It's more like living the kind of life that might attract others to your faith/beliefs and be an example. I also went to the Episcopal Church which has similar teaching and examples.

    Your post speaks volumes! There are Christians out there who do good things and treat others with respect and integrity. But I still don't choose to attend any church now.

  2. two steps forward, one step back!

  3. Corina 1.06:50 PM

    I used to be proud to be from Rockford, not so much anymore. The City has raised overspending on unneeded things and underspending on needed things to an art form. And the hipocracy of the church is mind blowing. They wanted the state to give them an exception, and this is what they do when they don't get their way. How they allow children to be treated, is beyond reprehensible! God is love and treat everyone as you would be treated..but they just show how unchristian they really are! Not to mention, the serial sexual abuse by priests, that was allowed to flourish, shows how christlike they think they are.

  4. I heard Rockford is the Swingin Capital....not sure where I've heard that.

    Boo on Catholic Charities, give me a break! I hate when adults behave like children, grow up and face the facts. We are GAY! We are not Wrong!


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