
Friday, June 10, 2011

Overheard At Work

Co-worker: I just started taking Chantix to try and stop smoking, but I'm afraid of what the side effects will do to my personality. They sound scary.

Me: What are the side effects?

Co-worker: Well, I could become suicidal....or overly aggressive......or violent....have increased bouts of depression...I could start hallucinating.

Me: Wow! How are we gonna know the difference?


  1. Hmm, one guess who that was.

  2. You co-worker sounds like a bitch.

  3. Funny. I actually saw a commercial for that stuff awhile ago and was amazed it was even on the market! About the only thing it doesn't do to you is make you want to smoke. I mean, the guy on the commercial was thrilled he stopped smoking. But then they start listing the potential side effects.
    And they continued....
    And they continued....
    I got nauseous just listening to them, and had bad dreams, had constipation and diarrhea at the same time.
    I think you just get too sick or weak to even pick up a cigarette. Or maybe you just forget that you used to smoke, or even what a cigarette is.
    Check it out

    But at least I'm not smoking! :)

  4. ...not to mention that whole 'breaking in' period - as with any anti-depressant (oh yes - Chantix is also a happy pill) - where you need a head start of about an hour before your partner when doing 'naughties'.

    Bloody aggravating.

    I'd rather smoke.

    At least then you don't chafe.

  5. Absolutely something I would say :o)

  6. How would anyone tell the difference in most people?


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