
Friday, June 24, 2011

I Didn't Say It....

Carlos and I are off to North Carolina for the day, where he will be speaking at an HIV seminar, so posting will be light. Actually, this is the post for today.
See you all tomorrow.
Now, what are people saying this week.......

MGB®, on her "canceled" bus tour:
"As I said myself at the end of the east coast leg of the tour, the summer is long, and I’m looking forward to hitting the open road again," she wrote on Wednesday. "The coming weeks are tight because civic duty calls (like most everyone else, even former governors get called up for jury duty) and I look forward to doing my part just like every other Alaskan."Command Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, Michael Barrett, on DADT:

This makes me giggle.
She announced the summer long bus tour and then stops not quite halfway though. Where ahs she done that before?
Then I giggle some more when she calls herself a former governor--see, I think you can't call yourself 'former' if you never finished the job--and says she's been called to jury duty.
'Cuz you know she ain't gonna be on no jury. It's just another attempt to keep herself in the spotlight, even though even she realizes that no one really cares about her anymore.
She just figured she'd crawl back to Alaska and whimper in private.
New York state Senator Ruben Diaz, again, on marriage equality:
"If gay marriage advocates honestly believe they have a super-majority of New Yorkers in their corner, they should join with us to agree to permit a referendum to decide this issue. If they do not, their claims to represent the majority will ring rather hollow. This gay-marriage bill is not in the best interests of New York, it is not the choice of New Yorkers, and it is decidedly against the interests of the Republican party. The last time the Republican party caved on a deeply important social issue — abortion — it destroyed the party’s prospects for years."
Um, Ruben? You douchenozzle?
In America we don't let the majority vote on the rights of the minority--or at least we try not to.
But g'head, have your little vote. Support for marriage eqwuality is on the rise, asshat, and you'll be left in the dust while the rest of us progress.

"Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution is pretty simple. It says, 'Raise an army.' It says absolutely nothing about race, color, creed, sexual orientation. You all joined for a reason: to serve. To protect our nation, right? How dare we, then, exclude a group of people who want to do the same thing you do right now, something that is honorable and noble? Right? Get over it. We’re magnificent, we’re going to continue to be. Let’s just move on, treat everybody with firmness, fairness, dignity, compassion and respect. Let’s be Marines."

Talk about plain speaking.
Talk about doing what's right.
Get over it.

New Jersey Democratic Senate President Steve Sweeney has apologized for his anti-marriage equality vote back in Ott-Ten:
"Seventeen months ago, I stood up here and made the biggest mistake of my legislative career. I made a decision based purely on political calculations not to vote in support of marriage equality. I failed in my responsibility as majority leader of this house of government to actually lead. I was wrong. To my fellow colleagues, to staff, and to those watching upstairs, let me tell you: never, ever again will I allow that to happen. The time for political calculations is over."

Very nicely put.
It isn't about politics or political parties or forming allegiances or making deals.
It's about equality.
Everyone, every single politician in every state house in the country, needs to read this and reassess their own politics.

Former NY Giant David Tyree is still talking about how anti-marriage equality he is, and how he'd give up his Super Bowl win to stop same sex marriage:
"Honestly, I probably would. Nothing means more to me than that my God would be honored. Being the fact that I firmly believe that God created and ordained marriage between a man and a woman, I believe that that's something that should be fought for at all costs. So I'll lay down everything I am to preserve the honor and integrity of the God that I serve."

David, honey, you're kinda hot, but the stupid makes you look real homely.
God did not create marriage between one man and one woman. Back in olden times, dear, a man could marry as many women as he wanted. Or a man took a woman, usually against her will because she had none, so that he could gain land, money, or power.
Used to be one didn't marry outside one's faith. That's changed.
Used to be one didn't marry outside one's race. That's changed.
Since the first couple said 'I do' marriage has been evolving, and if you wanna live in the Dark Ages, go for.
And snuggle up to that Super Bowl ring that means almost as much to you as your god.

Family Research Council spoksebigot Robert Morrison, on how marriage equality is going to ruin absolutely everything:
"There is a lot of talk about bullying these days. We have a massive outlay in federal funds to address the issue of bullying. Growing up on Long Island, I had a sure defense against bullying–my Pop. So did most of the boys I knew. Divorce was rare then and out-of-wedlock birth rarer still. Abortion was against the law. We kids grew up feeling safe, protected in our tender years. One of George Washington’s great contemporaries, Edmund Burke, wrote of something called 'the cheap defense of nations.' Fathers in the home were surely a part of that cheap defense. Without fathers in the home, there won’t be enough money in the U.S. treasury or all the treasuries in the world to guard the young against bullying. New York State, my home state, is on the verge of abolishing fathers in the home. They say they are only 're-defining' marriage. They’re not. They are ending it. And with the end of marriage, will come the dissolution of the state. Gone will be the cheap defense of nations. And no one will know what it means 'to sleep with my fathers.'"

Um, Fucktard? May I call you fucktard?
Please to explain how, allowing gay couples to marry, will decrease the numbers of fathers in homes?
And, while you're at it, please explain how allowing gay couples to say 'I do' will end marriage?
All you right-wing goosesteppers, hate-filled homophobes use fear to state your issue, and yet you back up none of it.
You just say the words and strike fear into people who don't know better.
Well, following your lead, gay marriage will end global warming.
It isn't true, but I said it.
Just like you do.

Chris Brown, giving the crowds a free rant on homophobia and bigotry--to the paparazzi--after he talked a meter maid out of giving him a ticket:
"Y'all n----- is weak. Did you all call them to try and film me? Y'ALL N----- IS GAY."

Color me shocked.
Actually don't.
This is the kind of behavior I'd expect from a man who beats women, from a man who tosses a chair at a window because he didn't like the question he was asked.
I expect Brown to strap on his baby blue bowtie and go on another Apology Tour.
I'm sick to death of these overpaid, over-pampered celebrities and athletes calling people names and then asking us to believe they didn't mean it.
You meant it, you fucking douchebag.
Just like I meant  that.
It's started:
Total respect for the gay community?
Nice try asshat, but I ain't buying it.
You're a dick, but I have total respect for the dick community.


  1. Re Robert Morrison. Surely if one father is good, two fathers are great!

  2. Palin is such an embarrassment to this country. Would someone stop shining the spotlight on this nimrod?

  3. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Hey Fucktard! Show me one story or one incident where gay people stalked, beat and killed straight people. Gay people are and should be (sadly) afraid of straight people because their hate tends to be fatal to us where as our wanting equal rights does what?

  4. The Dick Community


  5. so tired of Chris Brown

  6. Hope the day went well for you two.


Say anything, but keep it civil .......