
Friday, October 22, 2010

President Obama: It Gets Better

Beautiful words, beautifully spoken. And as DavidDust reminds us [HERE], we would likely never hear these words form a president McCain....or :::shudder::: President Mama Grizzly Bore, but......
I wish he'd have spoken sooner.
It always seems to me that he takes a little extra time when responding to issues important to the LGBT community. In fact, it seems, as he did with the Proclamation of Pride Month, that he speaks up after we hear from Secretary of Sate Hillary Clinton.
Just once, I'd like to hear him speak first.
Cynically out.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right - it would be great to see LEADERSHIP on LGBT issues from the President.

    However, I am very pleased to see him make this video and speak from the heart to LGBT kids all over the country.

    One last thought: Dan Savage for Nobel Peace Prize??? Seriously.



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