
Tuesday, October 05, 2010

John Mellencamp: No "Pink Houses" For NOM

Y'all remember last year, at one of those NOM "We Hate Everyone Who Isn't EXACTLY Like Us" rallies when they would play the Peter, Paul & Mary recording of Woody Guthrie’s “This Land Is Your Land”?

And remember how NOM President Br1an Brown received a  cease and desist letter to stop playing the song?

Yeah, it's happened again, only this time it's John Mellencamp.

Apparently the folks at NOM can't find any good music to play at their rallies so they co-opt some Mellencamp tunes and played them without permission, until, well, Mellencamp got mad.

See, not only does NOM not have permission to use the "Pink Houses" recording, but John Mellencamp does not want any of his music associated with NOM.

John Mellencamp’s publicist, Bob Merlis:

I am getting in touch with you on behalf of my client John Mellencamp who has become aware that his music [“Pink Houses”) has been used at events sponsored by your organization. Please be aware that Mr. Mellencamp’s views on same sex marriage and equal rights for people of all sexual orientations are at odds with NOM’s stated agenda.
Back in 2008, we pointed out to the McCain-Palin campaign that their use of Mr. Mellencamp’s music in campaign events was puzzling in light of Mellencamp’s own political views which were, largely, in opposition to those of these candidates. Immediately after we sent notice to campaign manager Rick Davis, the McCain campaign had the good sense to stop the use of Mellencamp’s music at their events. There’s an article about this from the Washington Post that I’ve pasted below. [That article is HERE at the bottom of the page]
We would encourage you to find music from a source more in harmony with your views than Mr. Mellencamp in the future.
NOM. They lie about the issues. They lie about the LGBT community. They tell us that they are the victims of hate from the LGBT community. They steal music.

But not from Mellencamp. Not any more.


1 comment:

  1. I've always liked John Mellencamp. Even when he was known as simply John Cougar. Great guy to have as an ally.


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