
Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Rainbow Flags: A Symbol Of Mitlitant Homosexual Advocacy

I've often said that South Carolina is a bit behind the times.
And when it comes to LGBT Pride, we save it until the last possible minute. See, while most places around the country have their Pride Celebrations in June--or maybe May, and possibly July--we here in the Palmetto State save Pride until September.
I guess the bigots don't like the heat.
S.C. Pride is this weekend in Columbia, and to commemorate the event, S.C. Pride received city approval to hang rainbow banners on light posts downtown.
How pretty. Brightly colored flags lining the streets. Nothing like the Confederate flag that flies over the statehouse, except that these temporary flags are causing a stir.
A group calling itself the Palmetto Family Council--I love all these anti-gay groups use the word 'family' if to say LGBT folks don't have families or come from families--believes the hanging of rainbows downtown is tantamount to war:

"This is about much more than a piece of cloth on a lamp pole. The flag raised today is symbolic of the city's ongoing and aggressive financial and institutional support of militant homosexual advocacy. Taxpayers need look no farther than this year's headliner, Pandora Boxx (or last year's RuPaul) to see how their tax dollars and the city's good name are being invested. The City of Columbia is not neutral in this matter. It continues to take a side in the culture wars, which we believe is not appropriate for any government."
I love it.
A rainbow flag is a symbol of a militant homosexual advocacy.
Of course, from what I've read about the PFC is that they don't really do much. Their last big stance--which failed--was an effort to put six feet between a man and his stripper.
The militant exotic dancer advocacy.


  1. And what about those rainbows the radical military types are causing in the skies?!

  2. You know, I can overlook them hating on the Rainbow Flag. BUT INFRINGING UPON MY GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS TO FONDLE STRIPPERS????!!!!???? Those vile bastards...



  3. Palm Springs Pride is in early November. Presumably because of the triple-digit heat between July and October.

  4. Just makes me want to say to them "Oh yeah? Prove it. Prove that the rainbow flags are a sign of militant homosexual advocacy." My guess is they'll be tongue tied for at least a few minutes.

    FYI - Pride is in Sept here in DE too.


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