
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ken Mehlman: The Worst Kind Of Gay

Ken Mehlman has come out:

"It's taken me 43 years to get comfortable with this part of my life. Everybody has their own path to travel, their own journey, and for me, over the past few months, I've told my family, friends, former colleagues, and current colleagues, and they've been wonderful and supportive. The process has been something that's made me a happier and better person. It's something I wish I had done years ago. I wish I was where I am today 20 years ago. The process of not being able to say who I am in public life was very difficult. No one else knew this except me. My family didn't know. My friends didn't know. Anyone who watched me knew I was a guy who was clearly uncomfortable with the topic."

Oh, the humanity.

Virulently anti-gay and homophobic former Republican National Committee chairman, and George W. Bush's 2004 campaign manager, Ken Mehlman is a big old queen.

Sound the trumpets.

Pffffft. Those are the trumpets.

Usually I welcome the newcomers to Gaytopia with the promise of a toaster oven and a copy of the Gay Agenda, but forgive me for not feeling so welcoming to this newcomer. i have a problem with self-loathing closeted gays who work overtime, and over and over time, to fight equality for LGBT Americans and Little Kenny Mehlman is just that low loathsome creature.

Good, Kenny, you're gay.
Bad, Kenny, that while you knew you were gay, or at the very least, questioned your gayness, you worked against us, against yourself. And you need to be held accountable for your past.

Accountable for things like:

  • being the architect of the 2004 Bush anti-gay reelection campaign which stoked the fires of fear about gay marriage and gay adoption.
  • sorry for aiding and abetting George W. Bush in his threats to veto ENDA or any bill containing hate crimes laws.
  • sorry for the pressing of two Federal Marriage Amendments.
  • sorry using homophobic churches to become political arms of the GOP before Election Day; sorry for asking people to vote their god and not the law.
  • sorry for asking Ohio's anti-gay bigots to get a marriage ban on the ballot in 2004
  • sorry for the fact that, during your time as Bush's campaign manager, and your time as chairman of the RNCommittee, twenty-one states passed laws that banned same-sex marriage, all of them pushed forward by Ken Mehlman
  • sorry for supporting Mark Kennedy who twice voted for the Federal Marriage Amendment.
  • sorry for the racist ads against Harold Ford, in which it was announced that he dated white women, and took money from filthy pornographers. Mehlman refused to pull the ad even after complaints from the NAACP, claiming it was "independent expenditure" even though it carried the "paid for by the RNC" tagline.
And while you're at it, Ken, explain why are you continue to fund politicians who are working to repress the LGBT community, deny the LGBT community the same rights, benefits and privileges every other American is guaranteed under the Constitution?

Explain these donations:

  • $2,400 to Missouri Republican Roy Blunt, who has voted to add a marriage amendment to the Constitution banning gay marriage and gay adoption.
  • $2,400 to John McCain, who wants to keep gay servicemembers out of the military.
  • $1,000 to Ben Quayle, who labeled Barack Obama the worst President in history, and just sent out a mailer to voters touting his opposition to marriage equality.
  • $2,400 to Illinois Republican Mark Kirk, who voted to keep DADT in place--and who is subject to rumors about his sexual orientation.
  • $2,400 to Utah Republican Senator Robert Bennett, who tried to stop marriage equality from becoming a reality in Washington, D.C.
I'll say it again, good for you, Kenny, you're gay, but, as Ricky so often said to Lucy, You have some 'splaining to do.
See, I know we all have our own path toward self-acceptance, and I don't begrudge you for the path you took. I do, however, hold you accountable for your stops along the way, your anti-gay deeds along the way, your homophobic campaign contributions along the way.
You should be ashamed of yourself. Oh, not for being gay, but for being the kind of human being that funds hate against himself and his community just to stay in the closet.


  1. Miss Kenny just bought a loft in Chelsea, and I have a feeling that most of the gays in the gayborhood will NOT welcome him with open arms. Which is as it should be.


    Pffffft. Those are the trumpets! Love it! :-)

  3. Nice post, Bob. It's all true. I don't even want him to be gay. It doesn't matter. He's a hate monger either way.
    He does have some explaining to do not because he's a hateful gay. But because he's a hateful person.
    he will not be getting his welcome green stamps from me!

  4. He truly is the worst sort gay... but, he thinks he is coming out now, but I had heard that he was gay a decade ago. He will need to perform so acts to make up for lost time.

  5. Great post - he is obviously motivated by power and has no sense of what is right!

  6. I'd give him a toaster but it would be in the form of a suppository. He is absolutely the worst kind of gay walking the earth. How dare he expect us to welcome him with open arms for what he did?


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