
Friday, August 20, 2010

I Didn't Say It.....

Wally and Pat Kutteles, parents of Barry Winchell, who was murdered 11 years ago at Fort Campbell, Kentucky as a result of harassment that escalated after another soldier heard a rumor Winchell was gay, on repealing DADT:
"DADT amounts to an endorsement of harassment and discrimination. It says to other service members that gays in the military are second-class citizens, that they are not worthy of the respect dictated in the Army's values. Those who assert that the law serves to protect gays in the military are wrong -- it corroborates the fears and bigotry of those who are anti-gay. Worse, it encourages those who are prone to violence to act on their rage. Our son could be with these brothers and sisters in arms today, but he was taken from us just as he was beginning to realize his dream. He was a quiet, compassionate and strong young man -- the kind of dedicated soldier our country needs as we fight two wars. Nothing will replace him. Nothing will take away the pain that haunts us to this day."

We shouldn't have to discharge soldiers because of their sexual orientation, and we certainly shouldn't have to bury them for it.

Ryan Reynolds, on separating his shoulder while filming Green Lantern:
"That's something that got blown a little out of proportion. My shoulder and I briefly separated, but we reunited immediately and we both promised to never leave each other again."

Ryan Reynolds.
He's hot.
He's funny.
And he's hot.
What else is there to say?
I mean, c'mon.
Look at him.

Cher, on why she took so long between film roles:
"I did a world tour for three and a half years. Then I was really tired and didn't wanna work. After a while, I get bored. Movies are much more difficult than singing. Singing is like going to a party at someone else's house. Acting is like having the party at your house."

Oh, but if it's a Cher party it'd be worth attending, no matter where.
And if Cher was gonna sing, well, then it'd be all that much better.
And if she was gonna make, or I dunno, fifty or so costume changes, well, it would be the party that never eneded.
And would that be so wrong?

Elisabeth Hasselbeck, on gay marriages and people's misconceptions
about her:
"I am not ultra-ultra-conservative on every issue. I actually support gay marriage. I think the gay marriage thing would definitely surprise people. I mean, for some people, it will surprise them to the point that they won’t want to hear it. 'No, that can’t be, I really want to have this sort of idea of her in my head,' so I sort of rain on their parade there. I am a person that does believe that life begins at conception, but I also don’t believe that the government should tell women what to do with their bodies. So I’m torn there in terms of supporting laws [for or against abortion]. I always say I would rather change a heart than a law. I think it has to start there. Always trying to mandate, mandate, mandate this or that is not the way that I believe this country should run."

Lest we forget, it was back in December 2008, when Hasselbeck annoyed Melissa Etheridge--and me--by announcing that it was right for the majority to be allowed to vote on the rights of the minority.
And then, in speaking with Portia DeGeneres about why the word "marriage" is so important in the fight for equality, Hasselbeck asked: "Take men and women. Women want all the rights of men, but they're not asking to be called men. Do you the word [marriage] more important than the rights?"
And it was just a couple of months ago when talking about the numbers of older woman who are coming out as gay after their marriages end, that Hasselbeck said that was due to their husbands leaving them for younger woman, implying being gay is a choice.

Keith Olbermann, on the distracting controversy over the so-called 'Ground Zero mosque':
"Yet, in a country dedicated to freedom, forces have gathered to blow out of all proportion the construction of a minor community center; to transform it into a training ground for terrorists and an insult to the victims of 9/11 and a tribute to medieval Muslim subjugation of the West. There is no training ground for terrorists. There is no insult to the victims of 9/11. There is no tribute to medieval Muslim subjugation of The West. There is, in fact, no 'Ground Zero mosque.' Despite the nobility of our founding and the indefatigable efforts of all our generations, there have always been those who would happily sacrifice our freedoms, our principles, to ward off the latest unprecedented threat, the latest unbeatable outsiders. Once again, at 45 Park Place, we are being told to sell our birth-right, to feed the maw of xenophobia and vengeance and mob rule. The terrorists who destroyed the buildings from which you could only see 45 Park Place as a dot on the ground, wanted to force us to change our country to become more like the ones they knew. What better way could we honor the dead of the World Trade Center, than to do the terrorists' heavy lifting for them? And do you think 45 Park Place is where it ends?"

Listen closely.
The mosque is NOT being built at Ground Zero.
And it is NOT a mosque.
It's a community center, with all the same accouterments of any community center, though it also includes a prayer room.
Freedom of [and from] religion applies to us all, lest people like the Palins, Gingrichs, Pawlentys, and Bachmanns forget.

President Obama, on support for the right to build an Islamic community center in downtown Manhattan:
“I understand the emotions that this issue engenders. Ground zero is, indeed, hallowed ground, [but this] is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable. The principle that people of all faiths are welcome in this country, and will not be treated differently by their government, is essential to who we are.”

And this is why we elected him president.
The people who want to build a community center have the RIGHT to do so.
Should they rethink the location? Perhaps.
But it is their right to build it wherever they are legally entitled to do so.

Pee-wee Herman, on how if he went to trial for his ALLEGED masturbation charge, he would have a surprise witness in his corner:
“Had we gone to trial, we had ready an expert from the Masters and Johnson Institute who was going to testify that in 30 years of research on masturbation the institute had never found one person who masturbated with his or her non-dominant hand. I’m right-handed, and the police report said I was jerking off with my left hand. That would have been the end of the case right there, proof it couldn’t have been me.”

Who knew?
And, well, aren't those ambidextrous guys doubly blessed?

American Family Association wingnut Bryan Fischer, on the Islamic community center being proposed for New York City, as well as mosques being built anywhere in America:
"Permits should not be granted to build even one more mosque in the United States of America, let alone the monstrosity planned for Ground Zero. This is for one simple reason: each Islamic mosque is dedicated to the overthrow of the American government. Each one is a potential jihadist recruitment and training center, and determined to implement the 'Grand Jihad' of which Andy McCarthy has written."Because of this subversive ideology, Muslims cannot claim religious freedom protections under the First Amendment. They are currently using First Amendment freedoms to make plans to destroy the First Amendment altogether. There is no such thing as freedom of religion in Islam, and it is sheer and utter folly for Americans to delude themselves into thinking otherwise."

Hey Bryan? You ignorant fool.
Remember this when anyone tries to step on your religious freedoms, or any other freedoms granted under the laws of this country.
Why is it that you think you get to pick and choose who gets covered by the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, or the Declaration of Independence?
That's right. You don't.


  1. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Actually Fischer is somewhat right. Islam by it's very nature requires absolute submission to the Moon God. (What, did you think the symbol of Islam used a cresent Moon for nothing?)

    That said, Mohammed in his drug induced haze while writing the Quran, built in Sharia, or state craft.

    You can see the effects of this in a place like Iran for example. Not good.

  2. My heart hurts for the Kutteles, and wish that our world was different so that there son didn't have to die. I think the tide is turning tho against the haters. Now I think it's not if, it's when.

    Ryan is hot AND funny......more please!

    Elisabeth Hasselbeck is a silly silly woman, on a vapid show where the commercials are more interesting.

    Freedom of religion citizens, means just that freedom to worship, freedom to build, freedom to express their beliefs. Sigh.....when will the haters give way?

  3. Anonymous10:21 PM

    bullpop, I fap with my left all the time as i search for more porn with my right [dominant] hand


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