
Wednesday, March 03, 2010

God Bless The Catholic Church

I'm a huge fan of the Catholic Church.


See, every time they profess to be doing the work of the Lord, you realize they are nothing more than bigoted self-loathing closet cases who punish the Innocent while working over-time to keep the LGBT community down. They don't believe that condoms are protection from HIV; they spend millions of dollars fighting gay marriage when there are people starving all over the planet; they apparently condone child molestation because their answer to the problem is to move pedophiles from one parish to another; they are not longer in the adoption business in Washington DC, because they might have to allow a ::::gasp:::: homosexual couple the rights to adopt, or even foster parent a child.

I mean, seriously. What's not to love?

Well, let's toss this on the heap and see what it smells like.

Employees at Catholic Charities were told this week that the social services organization will be changing its health coverage so they can avoid offering benefits to same-sex partners of its workers.

Indeed. The "church" doing God's work is out to punish innocent people rather than allowing gay couples the same benefits they offer their opposite-sex couples.

How fucking Christlike.

Starting yesterday, Catholic Charities will no longer offer benefits to spouses of new employees or to spouses of current employees who are not already enrolled in the plan. It's that preexisting condition called homosexuality that's at the root of the change.

The charity's president, and goosestepping asshat, one Edward J. Orzechowski, said, with a straight face no less, "We looked at all the options and implications. This allows us to continue providing services, comply with the city's new requirements and remain faithful to the church's teaching."

Oh, the teachings of the church about punishing Innocent people rather than follow the laws of the land. Those teachings.

God is watching you, Catholic Church, and she is not amused.


  1. Their sins are astounding.

  2. Don't get me started on this asswipe organization. Medieval cretins alive and well in the 21st Century.

  3. i would like to repeat my comment as posted on Blue Truck, Red State:

    Anti-gay rhetoric has always used the argument that we are asking for "special rights" while they have enjoyed the "special right" to spousal benefits, including social security following the death of a spouse.

    Now, in a twisted way, maybe the Catholic Church is on to something - eliminating all spousal benefits will give opposite gender married couples first hand experience of what we have had to live with since forever. Maybe if other businesses did the same there would be a mass protest demanding the restoration of spousal benefits for all legally wed and civilly unioned couples.

    I would just like to add, that the current Catholic Church is not the church of John XXIII and Vatican II. I would refer serious readers to the blog Enlightened Catholicism, and some others that I link to, for some insightful commentary.


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