
Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year

We are off with our neighbors, the Round The Way Gays, David and Neal, to spend New Years Day with some Out Of The Way Gays, who live outside of Smallville. this is our second time celebrating the New Year with this group of friends and if it's anything like last year, it'll be a day of eating, drinking, and being a bunch of Mary's.

Now, I love the New Year. The freshness of what may be; the thought of infinite possibility; the idea that I am another year older. okay, that last one I don't like so much, but since, as I tell my sister who thinks I never look any older, that The Gays aren't allowed to age, I don't mind the extra year under the belt.

But I do look forward to doing more, and learning more, thinking more, reading more, loving more, laughing more. These aren't resolutions, as I don't make resolutions because when I do, my resolutions last about as long as it takes me to say resolution. These are promises and wishes, hopes and dreams. Still, if I could make any changes in the New year, they may sound like this:

  • I will not lie awake at night and listen to Carlos snore, wishing I could pull a cartoon cast-iron skillet out from under the mattress and bash him over the head with it. I will nudge him gently, smile at him sweetly, and say to him lovingly, KNOCK IT OFF!
  • I will make Carlos finally have the party he planned, with all sorts of Mexican dishes and goodies, for last Cinco de Mayo, happen this year. Sidenote: I have affectionately dubbed his party Cinco de Never.
  • I will stop making fun of the fact that our dog can comfortably ride in the glovebox of my car and is the size of a pair of workboots. Okay, I won't do that, but it sounds good on paper.
  • I will treat my boss with the respect and dignity he deserves. He may be reading this, and even he knows that ain't gonna happen, but again, in theory, it sounds good.
  • I will remove Paris Hilton from my list of things I hate, not because I no longer dislike her, but because she's over. That rule does not hold true for Lindsey Lohan and Oprah. Sorry girls.
Lastly, I'll leave you all to have a good day, with a repost of last New Years Day. The more things change :::blibbety blah blay bloo touch me::: the more they remain the same:

I am a believer in happiness. I believe that happiness is all we really get in life, and that everything else follows. Things don't make us happy, at least not for long. And you can't expect people to make you happy either; you either have it to begin with, and others add to it, or you don't. If you don't believe that, just look around at all the sad, angry, lonely faces you pass on the street. Happiness is something you possess, that you give out, and give back. We're responsible for our own happiness, each and all of us; responsible to find it, to hold on to it; to nurture it and share it. Without happiness in ourselves, for being ourselves, how can we expect to live fully and completely.

We suffer loss every day; I've had my share and, sad to say, I know there's more to come, but I feel happy in the memories I have of those who've gone on ahead. I know it's hard to be happy when times are hard. It's near impossible to think that things will get better, but they will; it might not be the better you were thinking it would be, but I have learned that it will get better.

I have learned, from my Father the Teacher, never to stop learning and reading and speaking and, well, ranting; the more you learn, the more you grow, and understand, the more happiness you can accept.

I have learned, from my Mother the Nurturer, to care for things, for people, for animals for life; to make each day better for those around us, and to make it better for ourselves in the end.

I have learned, from my Sister the Temper, to speak up; why sit quietly and let things happen to you? Stand up and demand the things you want, the happiness you want. Don't settle.

I have learned, from my Brother the Father, to hold close to family; never let them go; whether it's the family you were born into, or the family you created out of necessity; hold on to them, and protect them, and love them.

I have learned, from my Partner the Optimist, how to actually let go and be in love and damn the torpedoes; how to be open and honest and know that it won't hurt; how to love yourself, and everyone around you.

So, I once again realize that I have learned to be happy; I've earned happiness. And I am responsible for it. It is, after all, all you really get in life.

When we are wiser
When the world's older
When we have learned
I pray
Someday we may yet live
To live and let live
Life will be fairer
Need will be rarer
Greed will not pay
God speed
This bright millenium
On its way
Let it come
Our fight will be won then
We'll stand in the sun then
That bright afternoon
Till then
On days when the sun is gone
We'll hang on
Wish upon the moon
Change will come
There are some days dark and bitter
Seems we haven't got a prayer
But a prayer for someday better
Is the one thing we all share
Life will be fairer
Need will be rarer
Greed will not pay
God speed
This bright millenium
Let it come
Wish upon the moon
Change will come
One day


  1. That is a beautiful streetscape!

  2. Have a Happy Day and a Happy Year :o)

  3. What a nice post to start the year with Bob! Happy New Year to you and Carlos again!

  4. Great post Bob, you're a man in control of his own destiny. Happy 2010 to you and Carlos.

  5. You DO know that resolutions are made to be broken, don't you? ;)

    Here's hoping for a wonderful year ahead.

  6. This is the best post of the year and we're only 18 hours into it.

  7. Great Post!
    Instead of saying "Knock it off" have you tried "Roll over"? If he sleeps on his stomach he might not snore. Well, at least it worked with my friend, Robby
    Good Luck

  8. Interesting concept about happiness being all we really have. I know that in the emotional times in my life I have chosen happiness over the alternatives. Maybe its all I really had to begin with.

  9. Bob, I love the part of your new year post that talks about happiness. Brilliant! Happiness is much like a stone sculpture. Artists say the beauty of the stone, and what it reveals, is always there, but you have to chisel away many useless parts to see the beauty of the piece. Happiness is a lot like that. It is always there, you just have to be willing to see it and accept it.

    A very happy new year to you, Carlos, and your many four legged kids.


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