
Thursday, December 03, 2009

Words Out Of New York

UPDATE: Kyle, from OutLeft, offers up the email addresses for Governor Paterson, and Senators Duane, Hassell-Thompson and Savino so we can write to them and thank them for understanding that equality should not fail:
Governor Paterson HERE.
Senator Duane at:
Senator Hassell-Thompson at:
Senator Savino at:
Drop them an email and thank them for doing the right thing.

I always talk about the anger I feel when marriage equality fails, and how we need to be more active, not sit back and regroup for a few years. I've always said, take your money out of the DNC and give to people who truly, actively, support the LGBT community, or to groups that do the same.

Here are a few such politicians who stand by us, so we need to stand by them. They are but a few of the many politicians who understand that this is not about anything other than equal treatment, equal rights for all Americans.

New York Governor David Paterson:

“It is always darkest before the dawn. The darkest day in the history of the American civil rights movement was in 1857 when the Supreme Court ruled against Dred Scott, making slavery legal north of the 36th parallel. That was the darkest day for the abolitionists. But when we look back in history, we forget that this was only five years before the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation in September of 1862.

I understand the anger; I understand the frustration; I understand the feeling of betrayal; and I understand the profound disappointment of those who came to Albany today thinking they could get married tomorrow. But I am also here to tell you that we are not back to square one.

Governors don’t come to the Senate floor after losing a vote. This one does, because this is a fight that is bigger than one legislative vote. This is a civil rights issue. Marriage equality is as important as the emancipation of any group from oppression and the granting of equal rights to any community.

I believe in my heart that if people had voted their consciences today, we would be celebrating marriage equality tonight. That did not happen. As disappointed as we are today, let’s get up tomorrow and redouble our efforts. We are going to lay the foundation to make people feel comfortable to vote their conscience and not fear political backlash.

Now we know who we have to talk to. We are going to quash the intimidation; we are going to alleviate the pressure; we are going to move this issue back to the floor of the Senate and we are going to have marriage equality in New York State and equal rights for everybody.”

Senator Tom Duane, sponsor of the marriage equlaity bill:

"I wasn't expected to be betrayed, and so I have some justified anger. But it's just going to propel me to - I don't want to say redouble my efforts, because my efforts have been pretty strong - but I'm not going to let up. I'm angry. I'm disappointed. I am let down. I'm betrayed. But I am not going away...Unfortunately, I think there was a contagious lack of backbone that occurred here today. And I’m angry about that and sad about that, but it was contagious. Similarly, the opposite would have meant far more votes than anyone had expected but unfortunately that wasn’t the way it went today."

And we also have Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson, who surprised many with her Yes vote. Listen to her speak; pay close attention to the last minute when she says she was not elected to be the moral arbiter for her constituents, but that she was elected to represent them; listen as she says she is going against the teachings of her mother,, her sister, her church to do what's right.
One of my new heroes....Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson.

And to add one more to the mix, here's Senator Diane Savino, a Roman read that right.....who understands what a civil rights issue is, and how gay marriage does nothing to traditional marriage; straight folks have been screwing that up for eons all on their own:


  1. As always a strong, pronounced post Bob.

    Bob, here are the addresses for the supporters you mention, in case people want to thank them. I thought they would appreciate the accolades for their efforts. I'm sure it is just as disappointing for them as it was for us. Sorry the only e-mail for the governor is via a webmail station.

    New York Governor David Paterson

    Senator Tom Duane

    Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompso

    Senator Diane Savino

  2. They came so close last summer. If only they didn't go through that power struggle thing.

    Once NOM announced a few weeks ago that they would practically finance the campaigns of anyone who ran against those senators who voted for marriage equality, it was over for us. Don't forget, the #1 goal of any politician is to get reelected. That takes precedent over civil rights.

    NOM's bully tactics are working, and I for one believe it's time to fight fire with fire. We as a community need to stop being Mr. Niceguy and FIGHT for equality.

  3. Thank you for running those videos. They were wonderful speeches that obviously fell on deaf and dumb ears.

  4. Thanks for doing the heavy lifting here, Bob and Kyle. As you might imagine, many of us here in NY are still reeling and struggling with our feelings.

    Today feels unreal. Now I know how our brothers and sisters in Maine and California feel, although they suffered twice the tragedy of having won - and then having it taken away from them.

    On the one hand, yesterday we saw some of the most eloquent, intelligent and compassionate representatives of our state government take our side and join us in the fight.

    On the other, we saw petty, revenge-seeking cowardice that was used to betray and punish both our representatives and our citizens alike. Broken backroom deals and betrayals of trust.

    I am drained. And spiritually and emotionally exhausted - for now. This will pass. And we will fight again.

    But I want you to know that I appreciate you both posting on this travesty - it's a great feeling during a very dark time. Like having two of my brothers sticking up for me.

    All my love and thanks, guys.

  5. Sadly, you are right. The DNC is not necessary our friend, so we should put our political dollars behind those who demonstrate that they that they will work for our interests.


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