
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Is This A New GOP In Massachusetts?

Well, well well, if it isn't the Republican Party. You know, those anti-gay, anti-health care folks? The Party of No? The ones who'd just as soon cut off their mistresses right arm than allow gays to marry?

Well, think again. At least in Massachusetts. Up thataway the GOP candidate for governor, one Charlie Baker, has just picked an openly gay legislator to serve as his running mate. That's right. He chose state Senator Richard Tisei to be his running mate; an announcement that is most certainly ground-breaking, and might even be seen as earth-shattering.

Charlie Baker via Twitter: "Want you to be the first to know: I’ve chosen State Senator Richard Tisei as my running mate. Excited about this team."

So this next election in Massachusetts is a good one for the LGBT community. There are two, count 'em, two, Republican candidates who support LGBT issues, including marriage equality, but the incumbent governor, Deval Patrick, is a tireless campaigner for LGBT issues.

Way to go, Mass.
Set the example!


  1. These guys must not have received the big GOP memo yesterday about being defunded if they don't support at least 8 of the 10 major party issues. Something tells me these guys are going to quietly disappear when the money runs out.

  2. That is encouraging that he is doing what is right versus what the Right thinks is right :o)


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