
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Glambert Speaks

This morning, on the CBS Early Show, Adam Lambert spoke about that performance, you know, the one heard round the world. And i liked what he had to say.
On apologizing to the children who may have seen him, he reminded us that the performance was at 11PM, and he also said, "I'm not a babysitter, I'm a performer."
Very true. Maybe, as he suggested, parents could have viewed the performance and then decided for themselves whether or not to let their children see it. Lambert also pointed out that Janet Jackson grabbed the crotch of one of her male dancers in the first 8 minutes of the show and no one complained. He made note of the fact that Eminem sang of having 17 rapes under his belt but no one got upset.
So, women can grab the crotch of a man, but a man can't?
And it's okay to brag about rape in a song lyric?
I think Adam's sexual orientation, and his kind of Fuck you attitude about it, was what really made people mad; he was an openly gay performer being openly gay, and I'm glad he isn't apologizing for his performance. He did, however, say that if he had to do it over again he would change one thing: he'd sing it better.
So, here's the video version of For Your Entertainment, and I kinda wish he'd performed it like this:


  1. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Very true. Maybe, as he suggested, parents could have viewed the performance and then decided for themselves whether or not to let their children see it.

    It's a live show; Unless people DVR'ed it or are lucky to have a second ABC or TNT feed, I'm not sure how this would be possible.

    Nonetheless, I'm glad that Mr. Lambert is reminding everyone what else took place on the AMA's which no one seem to notice or mind.

  2. I am not as sold on Lambert's performance as others seem to be. One grabbed crotch vs multiple faux BJs, walking people on leashes, crotch grabs, prolonged tongue kisses... Not quite equivalent. I am also irritated with his convenient use of the gay card after the comments from a week ago.

  3. He made some very valid points. The other performances that night (and those of Madonna, Britney, etc) just reinforce what we already know: double standards exist, and they're more often against openly gay people.

  4. Couldn't see the video since it was taken off. I missed it on the awards show, too.

  5. Loved Adam on Idol, and glad that he is staying true to himself.

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.


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