
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Can't. Can. Will. Won't. Should. Shouldn't.

I first saw this at Edder's place, I Don't Care For your Tone, and caught Miss Ginger's version at her spot, The Fabulous Blog of Miss Ginger Grant, so I figured I'd give it a try:

I CAN'T...... a musical instrument, although I've always wanted to learn.
...cannot abide ignorance in people. It's all out there if you open your eyes and pay attention.
...type with more than two fingers so I rely on spell-check too much.
...listen to the sound of my recorded voice because, c'mon, that can't be me.
...stand liars, who say one thing to your face and something else behind your back.
...abide know-it-alls, because more often than not, they don't.

BUT I CAN......
...sing nearly any song--not entirely in tune, mind you-- because I have an ongoing soundtrack playing in my head.
...listen to the two sides of every story and understand them both.
...say something utterly shocking--works like a charm in Smallville.
...spell. I abhor spelling errors.
...understand why. That's it: why.
...learn something new from anyone.
...cook like a demon.

I WON'T...... drugs. Of any kind; even prescribed ones.
...listen to people complain about their circumstance who don't make a move to change them.
...smoke. Ever. Never.
...pretend to like you if I don't. I can be civil and kind, I cannot be fake. mean, just for the sake of being mean.
...let anyone take advantage of me.

BUT I WILL......
...enjoy wine like nobodies business.
...always remember everything you tell me. anything for anybody anytime I can.
...try to do good.
...tell the people I love that I love them.

...compromise my integrity.
...procrastinate. It'll be better if I take care of it sooner rather than later.
...get so angry at some people. They can't help who they are, or why they are.
...think too much. Sometimes action is better than thinking.

...take better care of myself.
...get out and walk and breathe and think. that one thing that I haven't done yet.
...let more people in; that's a work in progress.


  1. >because I have an ongoing soundtrack playing in my head<


  2. I enjoy learning more about you (and other blogger friends). I like you even better the more I get to know about you.


Say anything, but keep it civil .......