
Tuesday, June 09, 2009

The Asshat Of All Time

[click it and it gets bigger]

"I am not at all persuaded that so-called homosexuals are homosexuals because of biological problems. There may be a very few, but there are so many that have been made homosexuals because of a coach or a guidance counselor or some other male figure who has abused them and they think there's something wrong with their sexuality. So you need to get deep into why he is what he is, instead of just saying, 'Well, he's a homosexual so how do I handle him, and how do I be Christian?' Well, I think you ought to tell him, 'Listen, son, you know, here's what the Bible says about this, and it's called an abomination before God, so I've got to tell you the truth because I love you'...I mean, if somebody's on their way to hell, they'll -- I mean, you've got to love them to rescue them."
Pat Robertson


  1. Paris Hilton
    Lindsey Lohan

    that's all

  2. You know those crazy dinosaurs they keep digging up that were so Pwned by rogue evolution that they couldn't survive?

    Wait till they dig him up in a few million years - they'll be all WTF?

    P.S. Old Patsy would flip if I clued him in on how many male authority figures I showed the light. Just sayin ; )

  3. Wish someone would muzzle the old fool. Can he open his mouth without stupid coming out?

  4. I swear, the guy makes my head feel all a-splodey. All your readers should be sure to click on the picture and read all the fun quotes that Pat has said over the years. I love them all, but I have a special liking for the "feminist agenda" quote, in which we are apparently all practicing witchcraft. Oh my stars! [Samantha Stevens nose twitch and sound] LOL!

  5. These idiots don't even stop to think if there is any logic to their statements. If being molested by someone of the same sex made you gay, how do you account for all of those straight, married, Catholic men who were molested as alter boys? Hello - one thing does not cause the other!!!


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