
Thursday, February 05, 2009


Okay, now I won't attempt to recap this show because, well, let's face it, the God and Goddess of the Top Chef recap are DavidDust and MinxEats and I ain't gettin' in that sandbox. But I am going to rant a bit, so if you want to spare yourself even a hint of what happened last night, move on. I won't be offended.
Seriously. Go on........shoo.
Okay, so it was fish night on TC and Chef Eric Ripert was the guest judge.
Before my rant. Sigh. Eric Ripert. Accent. Cute and French. Cute. French. Accent. CuteandFrenchandAccent. Frenchly Cute. Cutely French. Accent-y. This was what I was saying over breakfast before Carlos rudely shouted, All right! I get it!
The Quickfire is all about filleting fish. Leah the Whore, I was going to go with Leah the Slut but that sounded mean, has screwed up fish in more than one challenge, and tonight, while filleting the fish and telling us she is a Fish Chef, she gives up on the Quickfire because she screwed it up. Fish Chef? Fish Screwup is more like it, Leah the Whore.
The Elimination Challenge is to recreate a fish dish they had just eaten at Eric Ripert's.......sigh.......All right! I get it!, Le Bernardin. Leah, of course, screwed it up because it's a fish dish and that's what she does. Jaime screwed hers up because, while braising celery, she let the braising liquid reduce and the celery was too salty.
But here's the rub.
Leah didn't know what she was doing wrong, nor did she know how to fix it.
Jaime knew her mistakes and told the judges so.
So, who goes home.
The Fish-Screwer-Upper or the Chef Who Can Cook?
The Chef Who Can Cook got the knife in the back, and I think it was a ratings ploy, because, Leah the Whore boinked one bald dude, and she was all kissy-kissy, chummy-chummy with the bald EuroCook. And the powers that be at Bravo probably think Leah and her hook-ups were good TV. Wrong Bravo. A Fabio-Jeff hook-up would have been good TV.
So, I think it was all about ratings and not about cooking, and that kinda bothers me.
Plus, I hate Leah.
Side note: I loves me some Carla....bug-eyed-hootie-hooing-cooking-with-love Carla.


  1. Me, too! Me, too! ALL of it!! I am so pissed that Jamie left instead of Leah the Whore and Stankapotamus. You are right that they care more about ratings than cooking. Grrrr!!!

    THEN why didn't Carla win after they said her dish was spot on? Why Stefan again? Why not Fabio? Once again, grrrrrrrrrrr!!!! (and fok)

  2. Same here at Casa Pond. But we were figuring it was going to happen. And we think Jamie did too. She looked so tired and resigned and exhausted. The girl needed about 24 hours sleep and a big hug.
    Next week - it better be next week - for Leah's last hurrah.

  3. Thank you for the compliment.

    My alternate title this week was "Leah Cohen Is A Dirty Road Whore Who Is Stupid And Can't Cook Fish". But it was a little too wordy.


  4. David: You're welcome. I love your recaps.

    And I love the alternate title!


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