
Friday, February 06, 2009

Goosestepping With The Right

I only post this particular picture of Matt Lauer to calm myself down. Since this is what he looks like under his Brooks Brothers, I will not........repeat NOT.....hurl a brick through my TV at his rapidly receding hairline.
Today Matt is interviewing Newt Gingrich--is he still even relevant?--and they are talking about the stimulus package. Of course Newt hates it because he's a Republican and all Republicans hate anything that isn't theirs. Because, we all know, they have a direct line to God over all things in the world--abortion, gay marriage, stimulus.
Then the topic turned to Daschle and his withdrawal as an Obama appointee. Lauer uttered these words, which made me want to get the aforementioned brick:
"Are these just growing pains for the president or a sign of something more serious?"
It's been seventeen days you media hack!
Seventeen days!
I don't recall you going after George Bush during the first six years of his assault on the country, and yet Barack Obama has serious issues after seventeen days.
You're an idiot Matt Lauer.
Hot. But an idiot.


  1. Yeah I would do him, if he didn't speak.

  2. who knew he looked like THAT under all those suits??!! But he is just a douche....I can't stand him, and I think he would be even worse in person!

    hot...but a douche.

  3. I got one of those comments on my blog about race from a true-believer Republican.

    I usually watch Diane Sawyer when I do turn on the TV that early. I have a girl crush on her. Usually I don't turn it on until The View and get angry then when I just look at Elisabeth the Twit.


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