
Friday, February 06, 2009

Carlos Story

This morning we are having breakfast at the kitchen table, and I see one of the cats, Tallulah, coming into the kitchen from the dining room. She stops and begins to lick something from the floor. And keeps licking and licking get the idea.
I go to see what it is on the floor and it's a puddle of water coming from behind the refrigerator.
Damn. Damn. Damn.
I say to Carlos, We have a leak.
Behind the fridge.
He comes over, we pull the fridge away from the wall, and see a smallish puddle. We think the water is coming from the small plastic tube that brings the water to the ice-maker. We think because we don't know.
Carlos says he'll call the home warranty people--it's a good thing to have for those of us who aren't the handiest people. Yes, he says, I'll call the home warranty people.
That said, he walks back to the table and sits down to finish his breakfast, while I sop up water from the floor. He eats a piece of bread, sips the last of his coffee, and clears the table, and puts the dishes in the dishwasher.
Only then does he go back to call those home warranty people.
But now I'm annoyed. And my annoyance shows itself in humor, as he returns to the kitchen and I do an impression of him aboard the Titanic, seeing the iceberg pierce the ship, Carlos would go back to his bagel.
He didn't laugh. It wasn't one of my best.
But later in the morning he calls and asks if the refrigeration people who were referred by the home warranty people who were referred by our Smallville realtor who was referred by our Miami realtor who was referred by our friend _____ called.
I say No.
Maybe it's the plumbing, he says.
No, the water is coming form the refrigerator. Either from the tube, or from somewhere else, but it's a very slow drip.
I think it may be the plumbing.
Carlos, I sigh, I've seen your ass crack. You're no plumber.

Thank you and good night!


  1. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Nice one!

    wv: almants, as in:

    I almants peed my pants!

  2. Too funny! All of it!


    OMG - You must be one of them there HOMERSEXTICALS!!!!!!!

    You are too funny.


  4. Carlos says i'm not telling the story as he knows it, but he only knows the Spanish-language version and it loses something in the translation.

  5. Poor Carlos..he must be a Saint.Great quip though.
    Love you guys-


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