
Sunday, October 10, 2021

The Funny Papers

Mike Luckovich, Clay Bennett, Walt Handelsman, RJ Matson, Adam Zyglis, Steve Sack, Nick Anderson, JD Crowe, Gary Huck, Michael de Adder, Dave Granlund, Matt Wuerker, Marc Murphy, Jack Ohman, Ed Hall,


  1. Yep - Facebook sucks.
    I deleted my account three years ago and no regrets at all.

  2. Deleted FB after the 2016 election. It’s too bad that so many people depend on it to keep in touch. So many “friends” I’ve never heard from again however. And it’s been a time saver: so much less crap to suffer through. “Selfishie” great new word.

  3. I still use Facebook because that's how my family stays in touch (we have a family page), and I'm in several reader/writer groups. But for the most part, I've "unfollowed" 3/4 of my family and friends. It's a shame that it's become what it is.

  4. So many good ones today, I did like the Pence necktie, it goes with his IQ. The same is true with Sinema, though I'm surprised there wasn't a bathroom stall in the background.

  5. @Jim
    I am nearing the deletion of FB, though I rarely use it anymore.

    I’m able to use FB to talk with family and friends, but other than that ...
    I do recall a time, last year, mid-pandemic, when I was put in Facebook jail because I commented on anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers by saying “Americans are stupid.” That was considered ‘hate speech,’ and when I told friends at work about it they were all amazed at what I was gonna do without FB for a whole day. Those are the people I worry about.

    I watch videos on Facebook, and chat with family and friends, but I don’t get my news, much less my opinions, from the site.

    The Pence one is perfection.
    As is Sinema’s ‘selfishie’.

  6. I loved "your brain on Facebook" (so true) and Sinematography. Honestly, she should be kicked out of the Democratic party. She's worthless.

  7. The species die-off one is right on! It's just a matter of time, in the long run.

  8. Also just use FB to keep up
    with family and friends but
    never post.
    Happy Sunday!
    xoxo :-)

  9. Doesn't #45 get a neck tie too?

  10. @Steve
    FB is rather brainless, and Sinema painted herself as tax the rich, anti-corporate greed, and healthcare for all, but once she was elected she started taking big pharma and bug business money. She needs to go.

    It starts with those other species and by the time it gets to mankind we’re done.

    And I certainly don’t get my opinions from FB!!

    Fingers crossed, though a straitjacket and padded cell will do.

  11. gads these are depressing but spot-on
    The one about the animals reminds me of the saying 'sooner or later everything becomes part of everything else'

  12. A sad state of affairs. What do you think will come of all this Facebook rubbish? Wouldn't it be nice if the beast simply died because everybody started using a bit of common sense? OR... leave it to the ignorant, so Zuckerberg sees firsthand the horrible thing he's created. In any event, I want that robot to feel something... just once.

  13. I wonder how many of the COVID vaccine refusers get flu shots. Quite a few people won't get the flu shot because they insist it gives them the flu. A sore arm and feeling a bit tired after a shot is a far cry from actually having the flu.


  14. @Ur-spo
    You're right about becoming something else. While we kill the planet, we are also killing ourselves and the planet will survive and change. We will not.

    I use FB to keep in touch with friends and family on the West Coast, but I do not get my news, much less my opinion, from FB. Common sense is sorely lacking in most folks.

    I think a lot of those anti-vaxxers have had the flu shot in the past but won't do it this year because it doesn't suit their ignorance narrative.

  15. Texas is the poster child, other states are not far behind.

  16. @Travel
    We need to wall off Texas from the rest of the country.


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