
Monday, April 20, 2020

Ron DeSantis: ISBL COVIDIOT of the Week

Florida’s GOP Governor, and _____-loving moron, Ron DeSantis is defending his declaration that professional wrestling—specifically WWE telecasts—are an essential service:
“People are chomping at the bit. If you think about it, we have never had a period like this in modern American history where you’ve had so little new content, particularly in the sporting realm. I mean, we are watching reruns from like the early 2000s.”
Wait, so it’s an essential service because there’s nothing good on TV?

Or, and this is far more likely, is it an essential service because the WWE is owned by Vince McMahon, a yuuuuuge _____ backer, whose wife, Linda, is a former _____ cabinet member and the head of a pro-_____ super PAC that just announced a $26 million Florida ad buy.

Yeah, maybe it’s that second thing.

Ron DeSantis… ISBL COVIDIOT of the Week.


  1. You nailed that one!

  2. perhaps in floriDUH the dump dick-lickers should turn off the tv and read a book. nah, they can't read. just like their glorious leader.

  3. Well... that explains a lot.

  4. Well, I'm chomping at the bit to suck cock again...but you don't see me out their trying to find a piece,or protesting!!!!!! This is why I don't mind staying home...I dislike most people.

    On a side note I saw Donna Shalala on CNN today and is yet another person who is getting push back with idiots and their governor on extending isolations. My mother is friends with her, and I have fond memories of her when I was a wee one.

  5. Coins!!
    stay safe
    xoxo :-)

  6. To quote the dogs' mother once again, ak! There are no words strong enough to describe the greedy stupidity of these people!

  7. The thing is all these GOPers are in it for the grift. They are also terrified that Cheeto is gonna bitch them over Twitter.
    But we all know how the Repugs work: no ethics, no morals. Also, Florida, so not surprised to see that the beaches opened. There's gonna be a spike in two months, you'll see.


    1. Well, you sure called that... I live here and I have been saying the same thing for months that it was going to catch up to us...

  8. Sounds like you've sniffed out some corruption!

  9. Florida keeps electing idiots, idiots in, stupidity out. Maybe hurricane are not the greatest threat to Florida.

  10. I have friends that live in Florida that absolutely loathe that man. With the older population down there, maybe if enough of them get sick or lose family/friends, they'll think before they vote next time. (doubtful, but we can hope.)


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