
Thursday, March 05, 2020


The other night I was headed to bed; said goodnight to Carlos and started down the hall …
“What? No goodnight kiss for me?”
“Nope. Coronavirus.”
“I don’t have the Coronavirus!”
“Look, Corona beer is from Mexico. You’re from Mexico. Do the math.”
He was so stunned he couldn’t even respond.
The hypocrisy of Bernie Sanders, Part 2:

If you remember, Part 1 was Bernie refusing to release his medical records post heart attack because he said enough has already been released; shades of ____ and the Tax Returns.

Last weekend, while at an airport, Bernie accidentally boarded the wrong jet. How does that happen, you ask? I mean, you have a ticket and there’s a jetway and things are checked, right?

Not for Bernie, who loathes the 1% and claims to be the leading candidate to fight climate change, because Bernie flies private. That’s a 1% travel method and leaves a huge carbon footprint which affects the environment and the climate.

But when you’re a do-nothing hypocrite like Bernie …
The Centers for Disease Control [CDC] has stopped reporting statistics about coronavirus testing on its website, according to journalist Judd Legum, who called the erasure a “cover-up.”

I guess _____ wants to keep this quiet, too, while his special envoy in the fight against the virus, one Michael Elizabeth Pence, held a prayer vigil with his task force.

Mike, you asshat, you couldn’t pray away The Gay, and you cannot pray away coronavirus.
Eric _____, The Dumb One™, appeared on Fox News this week to brag about the 30,000 people who attended Daddy’s rally at Bojangles' Coliseum in Charlotte.

It took a nanosecond for Twitterers to point out that the arena’s maximum capacity is 8,5600.

Dumb and can’t count. Like Daddy, like son.
And speaking of stupid …

Florida GOP asshat and Representative Matt Gaetz wore a gas mask to a House vote on the $8.3 billion bill for emergency funding to help tackle the coronavirus, and said:
"If anyone is going to get coronavirus, it's going to be the people on this floor. Look, members of Congress are human petri dishes. We fly through the dirtiest airports. We touch everyone we meet."
He also tweeted out a picture of himself reviewing a piece of paper while wearing the headgear ahead of the vote.

I wonder if he takes it off when he’s kissing _____’s ass.
Chino Darín is an Argentinean actor and producer, and oh, so dreamy. He smolders … The eyes! The accent! That smile!

Plus, he’s adorable when he sleeps.

And that passionate man-on-man kiss with that other Latino hottie, Demian Bichir in Muerte en Buenos Aires.

Uh huh.


  1. Bobulah, you have me coughing up a lung here! I'm just picturing Carlos' face! Seriously, prurient minds want to know, did he get his kiss? Corona beer and Mexican, HA! As you well know, we of the female gender all suffer from Dos Equis. Maybe we should be quarantined. I'll stop here, dearest Bobulah. I've been sick for a week and this has been fun. You and Carlos, two of my favorite people.

  2. I would also think Elizabeth should step down after losing her own state... and people say men have huge egos!

  3. Democrats should think more than twice about voting for the Bern; neither he (nor Elizabeth Warren) is going to attract moderate Republicans or Independents....quite the reverse. Not only is he a hypocrite; he's also misogynistic and has a lust for power by the sound of it.

  4. (Carlos)
    Very bestest of wishes for
    a healthy March.
    xoxo :-)

  5. CARLOS!!!!!!!!!!

    It just occurred to me that that great ass in chief and his sons always look just plain angry. Like all the time. Are they ever happy? I realize they can't help they have faces like mud fences.

  6. Poor Carlos puts up with a LOT from you!


  7. Oh my Carlos, I can only imagine the life you've led with Bob who is so fun and funny. But, as Pretty says to me when I annoy her and have to remind her of how funny I am: sometimes there's no demand for funny. Mic drop.

    BTW, the Latino hotties are so hot I almost forget I'm a lesbian.

  8. Haha ohhhh you actually left Carlos speeches? Damn.
    The whole COVID-19 thing is gonna drive us all crazy. I’m washing my hands like my OCD has kicked in. Really. And The devil’s butler is trying to pray the virus away? Moron! Ugh. The whole GOP is a Dumb and Dumber remake.
    I’ll have Chino to go, thankyouverymuch.

    And don’t even get me started with Bernie!


  9. Maybe Pence should start small, instead of praying away the virus, maybe he should start praying for more test kits since we don't have enough.

    Gaetz desperately wants to stand out... and he does.

    Bernie's burning his bridges... about time.

  10. carlos carlos carlos!

    putzy pence and gaetz should hook up together.

    I figure maddie would be all over that south american hunk.

  11. @DeedleLahDiDah
    I do have a way to stop Carlos in his tracks and it's fun! And glad we can make you chuckle a little!

    THAT had to hurt.

    Bernie's a fraud.

    Same for you out there!

    Twas funny, no? And the _____'s are all so sick it's no wonder they look pissed off all the time.

    There is rarely a dull moment at Casa Bob y Carlos!

    Carlos tries to use that Pretty line on me, but it just doesn't work!

    Carlos speechless is, sometimes, a good thing!
    And Chino? Right?

    Pence, Gaetz and Bernie: three asshats without a clue.

    Poor Carlos =)
    And I was stunned MM wasn't drooling on the Chino!

  12. It never ceases to amaze me that SG and Carlos STILL respond sincerely to everything we say.

  13. @Mitchell
    It's fun, right?

  14. Oh Bobulah and Scoot! I just realized that Balder Half does the same sh...uh, stuff to me! I'm Carlos and SG! You three are a bunch of assho….uh, assets!


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